
목회, 혼자할 수 있는가? (A/4)


평신도들이 어떻게 다른 성도들을 목회적으로 돌볼 수 있도록 하는지, 그리고 신학생들이 나중에 목사가 되어서 어떻게 평신도들을 훈련시켜야 하는지를 가르쳐 주는 책.
1. 평신도는 과연 목회자가 될 수 있는가?
2. 그것은 성경에 있다
3. 평신도 목회란 무엇이고, 누구에게 그것이 필요한가?
4. 이제 시작하라
5. 평신도 목회자가 하는 일
6. 하나님께서 그들을 부르신다
7. 평신도를 목회자로 훈련하라
8. 문제들을 다루기
9. 목회평가
10. 조직을 갖추라
11. 평신도 목회자들은 어떻게 말하는가?
12. 사람들은 어떻게 말하는가?
13. 다른 교회는 뭐라고 말하는가?
14. 작은 교회의 목사는 어떻게 말하는가?

Can the Pastor Do It Alone?


Foreword –9
Preface –11
Acknowledgments– 17
Introduction –19

My Journey from where I was as a “lone ranger” to where I knew I should be: equipping lay people for ministry

1  Can Lay People Really Pastor?– 25
People need “love with skin on.” Since many lay people are gifted for giving loving care they are real pastors too.

2 It’s in the book –39
The Scriptures are clear – God gives pastoring gifts to lay people and calls them into ministry. Two Mosaic models teach God’s way of caring for His people today.

3 What Is Lay Pastoring and Who Needs It? –45
Everybody has needs – large or small, physical, relational, spiritual. Our commitment is to comprehensive Pastoral care, reaching out on a continuing basis to every member when life is good and when it is difficult.

4 Getting Started —53
Being aware of the need, you are ready to get a ministry going. How to prepare a congregation for lay people in a pastoring ministry and how to get organized.

5 What a Lay Pastor Does –63
The acrostic PACE tells specifically what constitutes pastoring. Seven commitments lay pastors must make. Who pastor the lay pastors?

6 God Calls Them– 79
People will offer themselves for ministry when the conditions are right. Plans for calling people into this ministry.

7 Equipping People to Be Pastors– 93
Material for a 15-hour equipping seminar. Seven of the 12 equipping units.

8 Managing the Difficulties –127
Seven common ministry problem. Problems can strengthen rather than weaken the ministry.

9 Evaluating the Ministry –143
A variety of ways to evaluate the ministry for those who run the ministry and those who are pastoring.

10 In Search of A Form –155
The principle “function determines form ” controls the development of the ministry structure. Organization must be solid but flexible.

11 What Lay Pastors Are Saying –165
Verbatim statements by lay pastors for those who are skeptical of lay people doing authentic pastoring.

12 What the People Are Saying– 175
The proof of the pudding is in the taste. Verbatim from people who are being pastored.

13 What Other churches Are Saying– 183
Five clergy revival their thoughts about lay people pastoring. Their answers to six questions tell they are finding their lay people to be capable and effective.

14 What the Pastor of s Small Church Is Saying–  195
The ministry we developed to pastorally care for the members of a 2,200-member church has been adopted by a 230-member church. It works because the principle is sound. The significant ministry of Pastor Thomas Parrish. 

Conclusion– 209
Bibliography– 211
Leader’s Guide– 213